JVAS announces awards - Four best research articles (one each from basic, production, para-clinical and clinical subjects) and one best short communication will be adjudged for awards each year!!!

Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

This journal was first published in 1970 as The Kerala Journal of Veterinary Science by the Director of Animal Husbandry, Kerala as the official publication of the Kerala Veterinary Research Council. The journal was renamed in 1990 as the Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. From 1972 till 2007, it was published by Kerala Agricultural University and thereafter it is being published by Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University.

Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences


Print ISSN: 0971-0701

Online ISSN: 2582-0605

Frequency: Quarterly