JVAS announces awards - Four best research articles (one each from basic, production, para-clinical and clinical subjects) and one best short communication will be adjudged for awards each year!!!

Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Volume: 55 Issue: 4

  • Open Access
  • Research Article

Characterisation and phylogenetic analysis of repetitive DNA sequences in the BamH1-H region of Marek’s disease virus from turkeys: Implications on viral pathogenicity and vaccine efficacy

V. Niranjana1, P. M. Priya1, Sreeja R. Nair2, Surya Sankar1, K. Vinod Kumar3, K. Krithiga4, Lina Kunjamma Mathews5 and S. Raju6

1Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur-680 651,
2Biomedical Research and Training centre, Thonnakal, Thiruvananthapuram-695 317, 3Department of Veterinary
Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur-680 651,
4Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode, Wayanad-673 576, 5Central
Animal Facility, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore- 560 012, 6Veterinary Hospital, Chathanoor-695 762, Kerala
Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Kerala, India

Year: 2024, Page: 796-800, Doi: https://doi.org/10.51966/jvas.2024.55.4.796-800

Received: Sept. 27, 2024 Accepted: Nov. 6, 2024 Published: Dec. 31, 2024


Marek’s disease virus (MDV) is a highly pathogenic alphaherpesvirus that causes paralysis and lymphoproliferative
disease in birds, posing a significant threat to the poultry industry. Though initially described in chicken, the infection is
now common in other species of poultry including turkeys and quails. This study investigated MDV infection in turkeys by
screening 57 tissue samples. Out of these, 26 samples tested positive. The primary focus of the study was to characterise
the 132 bp tandem repeats within the BamH1-H region of the MDV genome, the number of which has been previously
correlated with the virulence of MDV. Each MDV-positive sample was found to contain two copies of the 132 bp repeats.
Among the positive samples, two representative samples were sequenced and further analysis revealed high per cent
similarity among each other. A phylogenetic analysis was conducted, providing insights into the evolutionary relationships
of the field isolates. The findings of this study might contribute to a deeper understanding of MDV and in assisting future
epidemiological studies and vaccine development strategies.

Keywords: Marek’s disease, 132 bp repeats, molecular characterisation, phylogenetic analysis


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Cite this article

Niranjana, V., Priya, P.M., Nair, S.R., Surya Sankar, Vinod Kumar, K., Krithiga, K., Mathews, L.K. and Raju,
S. 2024. Characterisation and phylogenetic analysis of repetitive DNA sequences in the BamH1-H region of Marek’s
disease virus from turkeys: Implications on viral pathogenicity and vaccine efficacy.
J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 55 (4):796-800
