JVAS announces awards - Four best research articles (one each from basic, production, para-clinical and clinical subjects) and one best short communication will be adjudged for awards each year!!!

Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Volume: 55 Issue: 4

  • Open Access
  • Research Article

Comparative effect of two probiotic lactic acid bacterial strains on nutrient digestibility and health status in geriatric dogs

A. Ameer Suhail 1, Deepa Ananth1*, K. Ally1, K.M. Shyam Mohan2 , Jith John Mathew1 and Arun George2

1Department of Animal Nutrition, CVAS, Mannuthy, 2University Livestock Farm and Fodder Research Development
Scheme (ULF and FRDS), Mannuthy, 3Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Ethics & Jurisprudence, CVAS,
Mannuthy, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Pookode,Wayanad

Year: 2024, Page: 727-733, Doi: https://doi.org/10.51966/jvas.2024.55.4.727-733

Received: Aug. 12, 2024 Accepted: Oct. 23, 2024 Published: Dec. 31, 2024


Similar to humans, the population of elderly companion animals is increasing. As dogs age, they experience
diminished physical capabilities and metabolic changes, necessitating specialised senior care. Although the use of
probiotics as functional food in animal feed is rising, research specifically focusing on geriatric dogs remains limited. This
study evaluated the impact of two probiotic strains for their potential on nutrient utilisation and improving health among
senior dogs. Fifteen neutered, medium-sized, non-descript geriatric dogs were randomly assigned to three equal groups
and fed a basal pelleted diet (CP-25.5%, ME-3100 Kcal/kg) either without probiotics (control; T1) or supplemented with
the probiotic strain Lactobacillus johnsonii (109 CFU)( T2) or Enterococcus faecium (3x108 CFU)( T3) of canine origin for
30 days. A three-day digestibility trial was conducted starting from the 28th day. Blood samples were collected on days 0
and 27 to assess haematological parameters. After the 30-day supplementation period, probiotics were discontinued and
selected parameters were measured on day 40 to assess the persistence of the effect by the organisms. The study results
indicated no significant variations (p > 0.05) in voluntary food intake between the groups. While the digestibility of most
macronutrients remained consistent across groups, fibre digestibility improved significantly (p=0.008) in dogs receiving
either of the probiotic strain. Additionally, both period-wise and treatment-wise values assessed on 0th, 27th and 40th days
were similar across the group with respect to haematological parameters such as haemoglobin level, haematocrit values,
differential leucocyte counts and total leucocyte counts. The supplementation L. johnsonii reduced serum glucose
level but the persistence effect after the withdrawal of the probiotic was not evident. Overall, the Lactobacillus strain
demonstrated superior effects compared to the control and enterococcus in geriatric dogs.

Keywords: Geriatric dog, probiotics, Escherichia coli, Clostridium, Lactobacillus johnsonii, Enterococcus faecium


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Cite this article

Suhail, A.A., Ananth, D, Ally, K., Mathew, J.J.., Mohan, K.M.S. and George, A. 2024. Comparative effect of two
probiotic lactic acid bacterial strains on nutrient digestibility and health status in geriatric dogs.
J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 55 (4):727-733
