Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Volume: 54 Issue: 4

  • Open Access
  • Research Article

Semen quality characteristics of Aseel, Kadaknath and native chicken of Kerala#

D. Akshay1*, S. Harikrishnan2, Hiron M. Harshan3, P. Anitha4 and P.G. Vineetha5

#Part of MVSc thesis submitted to Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Pookode, Wayanad, Kerala

1 MVSc. Scholar, Department of Poultry Science, CVAS, Mannuthy
Assistant Professor and special officer, CASM Thiruvazhamkunnu
3 Associate professor, Department of Animal reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Professor and Head, Department of Poultry Science, CVAS, Mannuthy
5 Assistant Professor, CASM Thiruvazhamkunnu

*Corresponding author: [email protected], Ph. 9656578057

Year: 2023, Page: 882-890, Doi:

Received: July 11, 2022 Accepted: Nov. 1, 2023 Published: Dec. 31, 2023


The present study was conducted to compare the microscopic and macroscopic parameters of semen of three Indian indigenous chicken breeds viz. Aseel, Kadaknath and native chicken of Kerala. The semen volume in native chicken of Kerala was significantly higher compared to that of Aseel and Kadaknath roosters. Significantly (p<0.05) higher appearance score was observed in native chicken of Kerala and Kadaknath roosters compared to that of Aseel roosters. The pH of semen was found slightly alkaline in all the three breeds. Most of the semen samples were white in colour. Most of the semen samples were thick in Kadaknath roosters, thick and medium thick in native chicken of Kerala and thick, medium thick and watery in Aseel roosters. The major contaminants of semen observed were faeces, blood and uric acid crystals. Significantly (p<0.01) higher mass activity score and initial progressive motility was measured in native chicken of Kerala compared to Aseel roosters and the values of Kadaknath roosters were comparable to both. There was no significant difference in sperm concentration and sperm abnormality among three indigenous breeds. The sperm viability percentage was significantly (p<0.05) higher in native chicken of Kerala compared to Aseel and Kadaknath roosters. The characteristics of fresh semen samples collected from all the three breeds revealed that all three were fit for artificial insemination.

Keywords: Semen, Aseel, Kadaknath, native chicken, Kerala, artificial insemination


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Cite this article

Akshay, D., Harikrishnan, S., Harshan, H.H., Anitha, P. and Vineetha, P.G. 2023. Semen quality characteristics of Aseel, Kadaknath and native chicken of Kerala. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 54(4):882-890.
