JVAS announces awards - Four best research articles (one each from basic, production, para-clinical and clinical subjects) and one best short communication will be adjudged for awards each year!!!

Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences


  1. Original research articles and short communications in the field of Veterinary and Animal Sciences are accepted for publication.
  2. Papers are accepted for publication on the understanding that
    1. The paper submitted has not been published before and also it is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
    2. The authors shall also certify that they are responsible for any legal disputes arising out of infringement of copyrights, plagiarism, under or misrepresentation of facts and that the editorial board shall not be held responsible for the above said actions under any circumstances.
    3. All authors are jointly responsible for the contents published in the article. The editorial committee under no circumstances shall be responsible for the contents published in the article.
    4. The concurrence of all authors in the prescribed format given below for publication of the article is necessary.
    5. The papers on completed original research must be concise. The bulk of paper should record the actual work done by the authors.
  3. Only online mode of submission is accepted.
  4. The article should be typewritten (A4 page) in British English, Times New Roman font (double space) with font size 12 as two separate files, Title page and Manuscript (Review/ Research article/ Short communication).
    The title page should contain following details :
    • Title- Font size 14, Sentence case, Bold
    • Author(s)- Initials first, font size 12. Include initials and surnames of all authors.
    • Each author should be superscribed with numbers and the address of affiliated departments should be provided below the author names. Phone number and email id of corresponding author (*) are to be separately provided.
    • Citation pattern of your submitted manuscript should be included in the following format
      Citation: Athira, P.N., Anoopraj, R., Hamza, P., Pradeep, M., Dhanush, K.B., Sooryadas, S., Devika, S. and George, A.J. 2024. Occurrence and pathology of cutaneous tumours in dogs. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. …….
    • The detailed designation with full official address including email id and ORCID of all authors should be separately provided in the title page.
  5. The format for research article (should not exceed fifteen typed pages)
    • Title of the manuscript- Please do not include the name or affiliation of the authors anywhere in the manuscript as we are following a double blind review process
    • Author(s)- Initials first, font size 12, right aligned in bold
    • Affiliation- Address of institution with affiliation where the work was carried out should be mentioned at the top. Each author should be superscribed with numbers which should be explained as a foot note at the end of first page itself in italics. Phone number and email id of corresponding author (*) are to be given.
    • Abstract (about 250 words)- font size- 12, in italics
    • Keywords3-4 keywords- in italics
    • A short running title
    • Introduction (without heading)
    • Materials and methods(One level subheadings only, if any – in sentence case, bold, italics)
    • Results and discussion- Results and discussion should be combined to avoid repetition (One level subheadings only, if any – in sentence case, bold, italics)
    • Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements if any
    • Conflict of Interest:
    • References Hanging indent.
  6. The format for short communication (should not exceed five typed pages)
    • Title of the manuscript- Font size 14, Sentence case, left aligned, bold
    • Author(s)- Please do not include the name or affiliation of the authors anywhere in the manuscript as we are following a double blind review process
    • Affiliation-Address of institution with affiliation where the work was carried out should be mentioned at the top. Each author should be superscribed with numbers which should be explained as a foot note at the end of first page itself in italics. Phone number and email id of corresponding author (*) are to be given.
    • Abstract (about 150 words)- font size- 12, in italics
    • Keywords 3-4 keywords- in italics
    • A short running title
    • The body of the article should have no divisions. It should contain minimum tables or figures.
    • Summary
    • Acknowledgements if any
    • Conflict of Interest:
    • References- Hanging indent.
  7. Authors are requested to expand each scientific abbreviation at its first occurrence in the text. Eg. Complement Fixation Test (CFT). The abbreviation presented in "System internationale" for Units and Symbols should be adopted.
  8. All the references cited in the text of article should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order with the name of all authors followed by their initials. The author(s) name, the year of publication, title of the article, name of the journal (abbreviation of journal in italics), volume number in bold typeand page numbers should be included. Abbreviation for the title of the journal should be inaccordance with the "World list of scientific periodicals".

Text books

Do not abbreviate the titles of books. Write them in ‘Title case’ italics. In the case of textbooks and theses, give total number of pages. For example: a book of 420 pages shall be listed as 420p. In the case of an edited book, give the first and last page numbers of the chapter as pp. 33-68.

Book by one author

Sadler, T.W. 2004.Langman’s Medical Embryology. (9thEd.).Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 534p.

Book by two authors

Singh, U.B. and Sulochana, S.  1996.  Handbook of Histological and Histochemical Techniques. Premier Publishing House, Hyderabad,  111p.

Book by more than two authors

Dyce, K.M., Sack, W.O. and Wensing, C.J.G. 1996. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy.(2nd Ed.). W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 856p.

Book by a corporate (group) author

KVASU [Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University]. 2012. Academic Handbook. (1stEd.).Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Pookode, 172p.

Note: In-text citation “(KVASU, 2012).”

Book with an editor

Fletcher, T. F. 1993. Nervous system. In: Dellmann, H.D. (ed.), Textbook of Veterinary Histology.(4th Ed.). Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, pp. 87-107.

Journal articles

Format: Author(s), Year, Title of the article, Journal title (abbreviated, in italics), Volume number (bold), Issue No. in parenthesis, page numbers.

Name of the article in a journal shall be in ‘Sentence case’. The title of a thesis shall also be like a journal article (ie. in ‘Sentence case’).  While writing names of journals, use standard journal abbreviations. Common journal abbreviations are given in the Annexure. Include volume and issue number, if each issue is paginated separately. In the case of journals that follow continuous page numbering for a particular volume there is no harm in omitting the issue number. Give inclusive pagination (ie. first and last page numbers of the article), eg.23-28.

General rules for journal abbreviations:

  • One-word journal titles are never abbreviated, e.g., “Nature”, “Science”, “Biochemistry”, “Biotechnology”,
  • Some words in the titles are not abbreviated but written as such, for example: Acta, Cell, Dairy, Drug, Tissue, Methods, etc.
  • Certain country or city names are abbreviated, for example: Am. for American, Br. for British, Can. for Canadian, Jpn. for Japanese, Calif. for Californian, Lond. For London, Camb. For Cambridge, etc. However, some country names, such as India/ Indian, Sweden/Swedish, etc. are not abbreviated.
  • All the abbreviations in the journal should start with a capital letter.
  • Put a period after the abbreviation, for example: J. (Journal), Sci. (Science), Rev.(Review), etc.

Journal article by one author

Rao, G.S. 1991. Ovine hippocampus.Indian J. Anim. Sci.61: 168-169.

Journal article by two authors


Gupta, S.K. and Sharma, D.N. 1990. Biometry of the bovine skull.Indian J. Anim. Res.24: 110-114.

Journal article by multiple authors

Pramod, S., Nair, N.D., Ambily, V.R., Hiron, M., Vijayan, N. and Nair, G.K. 2012.Pathology of lymphoid organs in experimental duck cholera.Indian Vet. J. 89: 20-22.

Journal article accepted for publication (but not yet published)


Malik, K.C., Mishra, P.C., Mishra, P.K. and Panda, N. 2013. Study on seasonal variations in seminal characteristics of synthetic colour cocks. Indian J. Vet.Anat. (in press).



Arunima, S.S. 2011. Postnatal development of lymph nodes in Kuttanad duck (Anasplatyrhynchosdomesticus).M.V.Sc thesis, Kerala Veterinary and AnimalSciencesUniversity, Pookode, 66p.



Jayant, G., Peethambaran, P.A., Jalaludeen, A., Narayanankutty, K and Ally, K. Utilisation of dried cuttle fish (Sepia officialis) waste silage in layer duck ration. In: Jalaludeen, A. (ed.), Proceedings of IV World Waterfowl Conference; 11th to13th November, 2009, Mannuthy. Kerala Agricultural University, Centre for Advanced Studies in Poultry Science, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and World’s Poultry Science Association (India branch). pp. 198-200.

Conference abstract

Shiju, S., Ramani, C., Rao, G.D. and Kannan, T.A. 2012. Traumatic ocular proptosis in Pug and its management [abstract]. In: Compendium, National Symposium on Advances in Applied Anatomy of Domestic and Wild Animals- an Interdisciplinary Approach for Animal Health and Wealth; 28th to 30th November, 2012, Mannuthy.  Kerala Veterinary and AnimalSciencesUniversity.p. 17.Abstract No. 3.7.


Technical bulletin/series/reports

Evans, D.O. and Rotar, P.P. 1987. Sesbania in Agriculture.Westview Tropical Agriculture Series No. 8, Westview Press/ Boulder, London. l92p.


Smith, P. L. 2002. Particle trap for compressed gas insulated transmission systems, US Patent No. 4554399.


Article from a weekly


Dutta, S. 2013, Feb. 13. Getting closer through culture.Frontline.30(2):94-96.


Article from a newspaper (with author)

Gargi, P. 2013, Jan. 16. Subsistence farmers must raise themselves. The Hindu.p.13.

Article from a newspaper (without author)

[Anonymous].2013, Jan.16. His master’s voice sings last tune. The Hindu.p.15.

Note: In text citation: “(Anon., 2013).”


Electronic and online sources

Only reliable sources may be considered while using online references. Generally, websites maintained by reputed Universities, institutes and organizations can be considered as authentic sources. The details required for electronic sources are basically the same as those required for print sources. The additional information that is required is the type of medium, the address or URL (uniform resource locator) and the date of access from the internet.


Article in an online journal / e-journal

Schreyer, J.H. 2012.Juvenile dentistry in dogs and cats. Vet. Focus [on line]. 22 (3). Available: http://www.ivis.org/journals/vetfocus/22_3/en/1.pdf. ISSN 22 [22 Jan. 2013].

Book available only on the internet

Jarrard, R.D. 2001.Scientific Methods [book on-line]. Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah. Available: http://www.mines.utah.edu/geo/people/ faculty/jarrard/Text/booktoc.html. [30 Oct. 2003].

Printed journal article freely available on the internet

Chowdhury, S. and Sharma, B. 2013. Transcription of gD and gI genes in BHV1-infected cells. J. Biosci. 37(6): 971-977. Available: http://www.ias.ac.in/jbiosci/ dec2012/971.pdf. [22 Jan. 2013].

 More than one book/journal article by the same author/s in different years

  • In the case of entries by the same author in different years, arrange chronologically by the year of publication, the earliest first.
  • References with the same first author and different second and subsequent authors are listed alphabetically by the surname of the second author and then by the surname of the third author and so on.
  • References with the same group of authors in the same identical order are entered chronologically by the year of publication, the earliest first.

More than one book/journal article by the same author in the same year

  • References by the same author (or by the same group of authors in identical order) with the same publication year are listed alphabetically by the first word of the title following the year; lower case letters (a, b, c and so on) are included after the year within the parenthesis.

Kumar, P., Kumar, S. and Singh, Y. 1995a.Anatomy of the pineal gland in domestic animals.Indian J. Vet. Anat.7: 1-10.

Kumar, P., Kumar, S. and Singh, Y. 1995b.Topography and histomorphology of pineal gland in young goat.Indian J. Anim. Sci.65: 633-635.

  • If the articles are published in the same journal arrange by volume number. Chronologically, and if in the same volume, arrange by page number.



  1. Tables and figures should bear the reference number (Table 1, Table 2 , Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc) and the title in Sentence case should be written on the top of table and below the Figure. Page limit is inclusive of figures and tables.Colour illustrations are accepted.
  2. Tables should be typed at appropriate place in the text with only essential data. The size of the table and figures as far as possible should be adjusted for double column printing. Tables and figures should be text wrapped tight to avoid misplacement in the text.
  3. Papers will be subjected to editorial revision that may be dictated by the general rules governing thepresentation in the journal. The Editorial board retains the right to accept the papers and no reason might be given in case of non-acceptance of articles.
  4. An author declaration certificate in the prescribed format signed by all authors should be uploaded while submitting the article online. (Download author declaration certificate here). Legal disputes if any should be mentioned.
  5. Conflict of interest should be declared
  6. The article will be returned to the authors after review. It should be resubmitted after making corrections according to referee’s comments. Final correction of the article should be strictly in accordance with the revisions suggested by the referee. Authors are not permitted to do any major additions or deletions in the article after the referee correction
  7. Processing fee and Publication charges: A processing fee of Rs.500/-(Rupees: Five hundred only) should be paid through NEFT/Account transfer/ UPI/ QR code scanning at the time of submission of article. On acceptance of article, publication fee of Rs. 2,500/- (Rupees Two thousand five hundred only) should be paid online for final publication.
  8. Account Details :
    Account Name: Editor, JVAS
    Account No. : 67218495193
    Bank Name: State Bank of India, Ollukkara Branch IFSC : SBIN0070210
  9. All correspondences pertaining to the journal should be addressed to the Editor, Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences. Mannuthy, Thrissur- 680 651, Kerala, India. You can reach the editor at editorvetj@kvasu.ac.in.

Article reference number provided in the acknowledgement should be quoted in all correspondences pertaining to the article.

Model Article JVAS Research
Model Title Page