Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Volume: 55 Issue: 3

  • Open Access
  • Research Article

Effects of rumen-protected methionine and lysine on antioxidant status and lactationperformance in crossbred dairy cattle during transition

B. Ragupathi1, T.R. Sreekumar1, Zarina Aziz1, V. Ramnath1 and K.M. Syammohan2

1 Department of Veterinary Physiology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur, 2 University Livestock Farm and Fodder Research Station, Mannuthy, Thrissur, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Kerala, India

Year: 2024, Page: 542-546, Doi:

Received: Feb. 24, 2024 Accepted: May 24, 2024 Published: Sept. 30, 2024


Dairy cows undergoing the transition phase often face nutritional challenges, impacting their antioxidant status and lactational performance. To address these challenges, the incorporation of rumen-protected methionine and lysine in the diet has emerged as a strategic intervention.Twelve crossbred cows inthe transition period were randomly divided into two groups of six animals. The control group and treatment group were fed with a standard diet (ICAR, 2013) while the treatment group was supplemented with rumen-protected methionine and lysine. Throughout the trial period, all the animals were subjected to consistent management and feeding conditions.Glutathione peroxide(GPx)levels exhibited a statistically significant difference between groups, with the treatment consistently showing higher GPx levels, indicating an improvement in antioxidant capacity, where it helps regulate systemic oxidative stress.The recorded milk yield data was utilized to compute the daily milk production for each individual for the experimental period. Milk yield remained unaffected, but the treatment group consistently exhibited higher milk yield, suggesting positive influences on postpartum lactation performance.

Keywords: Rumen-protectedmethionine, rumen-protectedlysine,transition period, antioxidant status


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Cite this article

Ragupathi, B., Sreekumar, T.R., Zarina, A., Ramnath, V. and Syammohan, K.M.2024. Effects of rumen-protected methionine and lysine on antioxidant status and lactation performance in crossbred dairy cattle during transition. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 55 (3):542-546
