JVAS announces awards - Four best research articles (one each from basic, production, para-clinical and clinical subjects) and one best short communication will be adjudged for awards each year!!!

Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Volume: 55 Issue: 2

  • Open Access
  • Research Article

Pathological changes and molecular detection of infectious bronchitis and concurrent infection with infectious bursal disease in poultry

A.G. Kishore Gopal1, K. Krithiga2*, K. S. Prasanna1, C. Divya1, R. Anoopraj1, Surya Sankar3, I. S. Sajitha1 and S. S. Devi4

1. Department of Veterinary Pathology College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Mannuthy, Thrissur-680 651 Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Kerala, India

2. BRTC, Thonnakkal, Thiruvananthapuram

3. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, CVAS, Mannuthy

*Corresponding author: [email protected] Ph. 9842098394

Year: 2024, Page: 394-401, Doi: https://doi.org/10.51966/jvas.2024.55.2.394-401

Received: Oct. 27, 2023 Accepted: Jan. 17, 2024 Published: June 30, 2024


The current study was conducted with the objective of determining the cause for a significant increase in mortality rates in poultry farms situated in and around Thrissur. The study material consisted of 100 birds aged between two and four months, which were brought for postmortem to the Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy. The birds with a history of respiratory illness were included in the study. On detailed postmortem examination, catarrhal or caseous exudate in the trachea/nasal passages, pulmonary congestion, swollen and pale kidneys, splenomegaly with congestion were noticed in cases suspected for infectious bronchitis (IB) infection alone. Enlarged and congested kidneys; enlarged bursa with cheesy material inside the lumen and splenomegaly with subcapsular haemorrhages were noticed in carcasses suspected for concurrent infection with infectious bursal disease (IBD). On microscopic examination, bursa of IB infection alone revealed densely populated lymphocytes with necrotic changes in the medulla and bursa of concurrent infection with IBD revealed extensive haemorrhage in the cortical region and large cyst in the medulla of the plicae. The cases were confirmed using a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Out of 100 samples, 33 cases tested positive for IB. Upon further investigation of these 33 samples, 25 samples were found to be concurrently infected with IBD. The condition was confirmed as infectious bronchitis with concurrent infection with infectious bursal disease based on both pathological findings and molecular analysis.

Keywords: Pathology, Infectious bronchitis, concurrent infection, molecular detection


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Cite this article

Kishore Gopal, A. G., Krithiga, K., Prasanna, K. S., Divya, C., Anoopraj, R., Surya Sankar, Sajitha, I. S. and Devi, S. S. 2024. Pathological changes and molecular detection of infectious bronchitis and concurrent infection with infectious bursal disease in poultry. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 55(2): 394-401

DOI: https://doi.org/10.51966/jvas.2024.55.2.394-401
